Few things in life are as welcoming in the morning as a fresh cup of aromatic coffee. There is just something about the smell of it brewing and the taste of that first cup that really helps get the day off to the right start. That is why coffee enthusiasts have long debated about the best way to store coffee to preserve its freshness. Yes, freshness matters. How close you are to the roasting date is very important when it comes to coffee. For more on that see our article, “How Fresh is Your Coffee?”.

The four biggest enemies of coffee are air, moisture, heat, and light. Each of those elements will age your coffee at an accelerated pace, robbing the coffee of its full, rich flavor. That said, the best way to store coffee is in an opaque air-tight container, away from heat, light, and moisture. While we are immensely proud of the design and artwork of our American Patriot Coffee bags, for long-term storage the bag coffee comes in is not the best option. That is true of all coffee. Instead, purchase an airtight container to which you can transfer the coffee after opening the bag.

Where you store that airtight container also matters. Since heat and light are also enemies of your coffee’s flavor, be sure to keep it away from a sunny spot on the kitchen counter as well as the cupboard above the stove. The best way is to store coffee is to keep it at room temperature in a relatively dark place. Choose a countertop or cupboard as far away from heat as possible. As stated earlier the best container is an opaque one that doesn’t let in light.

Since heat is an enemy of coffee, many have chosen to store their coffee in the refrigerator or freezer. Those locations are not recommended since coffee is also harmed by moisture. Storing the coffee in a location that is too cool, can cause moisture to condensate inside your container, and ruin your coffee. Coffee is also hygroscopic (today’s bonus word). What that means is your coffee readily absorbs moisture and is prone to absorb all the odors and flavors in the surrounding air. We all know the refrigerator is a prime place for the existence of various smells and flavors. Between the onions, garlic, and last night’s leftovers, the last place you want to store coffee is in the refrigerator! Some have instead opted for the freezer, and while there is much debate about the wisdom of that practice, our advice is to not do it. Freezing the coffee adversely affects the natural oils in the coffee. Additionally, the coffee must thaw completely before brewing.  Best practice, keep out of the fridge and freezer!

If you store your coffee in an airtight container away from heat, light, and moisture, you will be able to enjoy your favorite roast for as long as is possible. How long does coffee retain it’s optimum freshness? See that article we mentioned above!

Keep an eye out for new articles to help you become a coffee expert!

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